Aerial Trapeze

Static trapeze, used to create amazing shapes and a bucket load of fun!

Aerial silks

Two ribbons used to wrap, drop and create a feeling like no other.

Aerial conditioning

Aerial silks and Aerial trapeze strength training.

Double Trapeze

Single static trapeze is fun, but how about teaming up with someone else and sharing the weight and the fun!

Pilates classes

My Pilates classes are used to learn how to access your pelvic floor for anti-natal, post-natal, male or female client. This class can assist in returning to work, helping with exercise induced leakage, or when coughing or sneezing. This class is for amateur to elite athletes, to assist with core control and use with heavy lifting.

Sports massage

Physiotherapy specific massage.

Physiotherapy consultations

Physiotherapy consultations: return to work, injury prevention and management. Amateur to elite athletes. pregnancy and Women health specialist.